Sunday, June 3, 2012

2nd day in Cameroon

The second day in Cameroon was a blast. We had our language test in the morning, which was brutal to say the least with my lack of French preparation while I was trying to see all my loved ones and friends before I left. Definitely expected that one to happen, but good news is everyone says the Peace Corps language training is wonderful. After that we walked around the capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, which we will be in for five days before moving to PST (pre service training) in Bafia. Then we headed to the futbol match between Cameroon and Congo. Cameroon won by a penalty kick, it was incredible, I have never seen such a wild place before. The shots of whiskey that are sold in little plastic baggies could help! We were then honored to go see a local Cameroonian dance which was performed by the CED's (community economic development) wife and backing band. When she was done she invited all of the trainees on stage to dance with her and get down, it was great. We sat down and she invited the rest of the crowd on stage, and who else to be there but part of the Congo futbol team that had just lost the match earlier. (guess they were drinking the loss off). Back to the hotel for a round of beers and shots for Joey's birthday, a fellow trainee turning 24 at midnight.


1 comment:

  1. glad to see yah boogyin' down with the locals......hope nothing but the best for u buddy:) ill keep in touch on the blog....keep on doing!
    -johnny d
